Thursday, September 13, 2007

I guess blogging's short term revival has sort of well.... needed some kind of shock jolt. So I shall attempt to blog everyday. You know, writing a journal is good for your well-being.

Well, I'm like really wanting to go somewhere.
No, and really it's not because I hate this place.
It's more that I have a thirst for engaging experience, exploration, and give me another word that starts with an e. To embrace energizing environments...

something like that.

It's much more an approach model than an avoidance one - which I mean is my motivation.
Those who approach go towards goals - to gain positive experience. Those who avoid go away from punishing or punishing situations.
Many times in life there is usually a mix of these motivations in any decision, but people tend to have orientations.
Behavioural-inhibitory system (BIS)- avoidance patterns
and behavioural-activation system (BAS) - appetitive patterns
Any psych majors in the house?

Anyway, this was a slight digression to the point that I want to travel for the sake of enjoying myself.
My job is alright, my coworkers are nice, and my family situation is getting better. It's a gentle slope up.
But it's also made me aware of previous fallacies of thought - such as the weight I'd put on the importance of job and the corresponding lack of weight I'd put on the importance of simple and deep enjoyments.
Of good conversation, music, food, and art.
Discovering this I'd also found the fallacy of believing my super emotionality as a flaw.
I mean this learning experience is just SO rewarding in itself, but I'm really discovering the world is at my fingers - and I have the right to enjoy.


I want to go to Iceland, Europe (Ok, Iceland's part of europe, but it's not on the continent ya know?), India, South America.
Which is a problem - because Xiaodi wants to go see Asia, in which I'm not so impressed.


Even though I'm like falling in love with the world again and rediscovering opportunities, it's just a bit funny that I'm working in a job for which I am overqualified and yet underpaid and understimulated.
But it has good lessons in itself. For example, I realized that I'd had a long standing complex - feeling not... like I could be accepted in an office environment. This is proving to me that an office/corporate experience is not half as daunting as I'd thought it would be.
I also had a bit of an anxiety problem before this job, and a corresponding social anxiety. This has helped me (along with the doctrine of just enjoying life) to get over my fears.
Finally I'm getting up early, learning to be more organized... things that I needed to get in my life right away.

The pay isn't that bad - but we'll see.


I think one thing is - I'm just so happy to be out of Waterloo. The whole homework thing hanging over your head, the ugly area, the lack of family life around the area (a pure university town), and the lack of just the great things about urban life.
Ya, homework - something you have to worry about all the time - is just not fun is it?
I like how you can work and just relax.


Anyway, when I talk to conservatives, 2 have told me that I've articulated the liberal's point of view better than anyone they've encountered. While this is flattering - I am worried about the state of political arguments today.
I think a lot of liberals - generally have good intentions - but aren't very... thoughtful about the whole thing. They take their doctrines for granted - as fundamental truths - that do not need explanation, only exasperation at attempts to argue it. Hey, I was like this too. I find that a lot were indoctrinated in high schools by left-wing school teachers - and these views were taken as fact.
I'd actually avoided the title of liberal because well - I don't want to be stuck in doctrine.
Anyway, I've come to my beliefs and arguments now, from what I can say are more intelligent 'liberals' than I am. So, I'm actually quite disappointed that there seems to be this divide, in which there is little exposure to ideas that oppose one's own) It's a shame that conservatives and liberals don't get more meetings of the mind.

Anyway, that's my rant for now. I hope to write more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sen said...

yAHHH keep blogging.

Iceland intrigues me too. I wonder which population is more homogeneous - Iceland or Korea?