Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I keep forgetting to blog.
Well how are we here. I've had a 360 from the last time I've blogged.
Had a nasty client who told me that she "doesn't have time for me" and abruptly hung up.
This is what happened.
She, the office manager of a law firm, is supposed to enter some information, and send it to me. Somehow she sent me the wrong information.
As I read it back to her, she got angry thinking that I had gotten it wrong. Of course, at that point, I wasn't sure that she was the one who had made the mistake.
I told her I'd call her back once I'd figured everything out.

I get someone to call her back - and we find that she has to uninstall some program - and they direct her to me! I am not responsible for uninstalling of programs, tech support is, but I still get the call dumped on me.
So as I talk to her, I am hesitating to talk - and then she yelled at me and hung up.

I was so angry. Honestly, I wanted to tell her she must be mad at the world because she was born an idiot, and she's taking her anger out on me - who was trying to help her.
But of course, I didn't. In the end I calmed down but geez, the nerve of some people.
I'm thinking I'm gonna come out of the working world with some thicker skin.
It'll be good for me.

I did talk to the sweetest person - calling from Washington University law school - top 10 law school - and man this woman was just so enthusiastic and nice. School admin == love their job, Office manager of a law firm == not so much love their job? It was a good note to end the day.

In the meantime, I have to do things I love - so I checked out 'eastern promises' with my friend. Let me just say now, I love Viggo Mortenson! Or however you spell his name. But wow... that was some sexy character he portrayed.
I'm going to go on a retreat this weekend, involved with raising awareness for North Korea. I'll tell you how that goes.
See ya.

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