Saturday, September 15, 2007

So I missed blogging yesterday
but I had a very bad day yesterday.

As it happens, after work - I am completely drained. I cannot care properly about anything for 2 hours after work. That I must give my attention to small details for 8 hours (sometimes more because I want to make a good impression), just completely drains me.
I don't know if all workers feel like this - or it is just the consequences of a bad fit for the job.
I'm beginning to be wary of becoming a lawyer.

Anyway, so I'm drained, a bit cranky.
I went to the mall to wait for Xiaodi, and I went to Zara to try on a skirt for work.
There, waiting in line - it came to my turn. There was a room free - but the people who worked there weren't paying attention and kept folding their clothes for some time.
I was getting impatient and finally interrupted them and said 'can I go into that room'?
And the girl just said 'no you can't' in a hostile voice. And then her friend/co-worker began to laugh.

I was friggin mortified. I flung the skirt on their pile and I left.
How... could their service be so bad? How could she just snap at that? How could the other laugh? It was just so beyond unprofessional - it was just... I don't know what to say.
And at the worst time. If I had not just gotten off 9 hours of work, I could have handled it better. But at this stage I was just angered, frozen and in the end just miserably depressed at the world.

And I thought - is this what work is creating in us?
For me it was stress and fragility
for her it was creating her to be the biggest bitch (she should really be fired, and perhaps it would be best for her).

I really would like to know - is this how all working people feel?

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